Sunday, February 21, 2010

Argument Essay Outline

I. Introduction
Thesis: Methane gas is one of the many greenhouse gases that the world needs to be focused on reducing. There are many different ways that greenhouse gases are emitted, but factory farming is something that not only hurts the environment, but can have a negative impact on people’s health. Factory farming needs to be stopped to help reduce global warming and help with the consumption of a higher quality food.

II. Methane gas is very traumatizing to the atmosphere, in addition to other greenhouse gases, in result from factory farming.

A. Methane is twenty times more toxic then carbon dioxide.

B. 60% of global methane emissions are related to human- related resources

III. Factory farming is a major contributor to methane gas emissions.

A. Background

1. what exactly it is

a. a large amount of different animals are confined in one space to achieve the best amount of productivity

2. how it contributes to methane gas

a. air pollution from overuse of machinery, mismanagement of manure, and the feeding practices

B. How are consumers contributing to factory farming?

1. buying leading products in the grocery store

2. not buying foods in the local area

IV. An alternative source to factory farming is organic farming.

A. Organic farming

1. brief description of what it is

a. “ An ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off- farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.”

b. Organic farming is a form of sustainable farming

2. how it is better than Factory farming

a. creates healthier food

b. reduces amount of air and other environmental issues

3. it can make enough to support the food supply

a. 75% of the worlds food is produced by 1.5 billion small farmers

B. Where are organic farms in location to consumers?

1. how easy it is to find organic farms

2. what type of food they have

3. prices will eventually go down once this is the new system of food

C. Environmental impacts

1. what this can do for us in the long run

a. “carbon sinks”

i. natural or man- made

2. what is being done to make the transition

a. Koyto Protocol

b. Carbon Farmers of America

3. individual people can make a difference

a. compost

b. buying organic foods

V. Conclusion


· . Kallen, Stuart. Is Factory Farming Harming America?. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2006.

· Windish, Joe. (2009) The Issues Is Factory Farming, Not Meat Eating. The Moderate Voice. Retrieved from

· "Introduction to Composting". Vegweb. February 7, 2010 .

· "Organic Food Can Feed the World". Signs of the Times. February 22, 2010 .

· "Sustainable Table". GRACE. February 6, 2010 .

· "What are Carbon sinks?". FERN. February 22, 2010 .

· "What are Carbon sinks?". IETA. February 22, 2010 .

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