Flow is a great movie that discusses the current and future problems dealing with water across the globe. This move depicts many different types of people that are struggling to receive fair and equal access to water. Flow goes to almost every area of the world to show how people are affected by the lack of water they have. The movie continuously emphasizes the point that something needs to be changed throughout our world.
Flow is very informative in telling what is going on with our water supply. One of its main arguments is that our water supply will be depleted by 2025. Many different activists, scientists and advisers feel that water will not be available to the everyday person. Water is now a 400 billion dollar industry. It is right behind oil and technology. This just shows how important the issue is. People need to be aware of what is going on around them.
Another major argument is the corruption that is within it all. Flow takes audience members too many places like India and Southern Africa, where corruption hit them first hand. Major companies and/or the World Bank force these people to move from their homeland. These high officials promise these people free water and better housing in exchange for their land. The worst part of it all is that these people get nothing and they are left with nothing. The sickest part of it is the World Bank can do this because they have immunity. This means that no country or group of people can sue the World Bank for the wrong it has done to them.
Another major point Flow hits is the bottle water companies and the corruption that takes place. All of these companies are making billions of dollars off of the water from our own backyards. They take it from us and then the charge us for it once it is placed in a plastic bottle. An example company is Nestle. It is also proven that some of the bottled is not safe. They have harsh chemicals in them that will hurt the human body. In some areas of the world it might just be healthier to drink the tap water at your house.
Finally, the most important argument of the move is is water free or should we have to pay for it? Many different countries are receiving no supple of clean, healthy water for free. Many of these places are drinking contaminated water that makes them sick because they don’t have the money to buy the proper water. Corporations are taking over many places around the world and are depleting and polluting the water supply. Free water is defiantly a major issue that needs to be solved throughout the world.
Even though the movie it still was very biased. I wish I could hear some of the corporation leaders and government officials dispute the claims. This movie left me terrified once I walked out of the theater. I love drinking water and when I walked out I looked at my bottle of water which was a Nestle bottle. I was instantly stunned because I wondered what harmful chemicals did I put in my body. Not only that, but I probably have been putting bad things in my body for a very long time without even being aware of it. This move taught me to become more aware of my surroundings. It opened my eyes also to the poor countries that are fighting just to get a bucket of water. I feel like I have been taking things for granted and not even realizing it. Something needs to be done and changed. Something needs to be done before it is too late for us all. The movie even talked about the sixth extinction, like it did in Lost Mountain. At the end of the day everything is connected and we all need to be aware of it to make our world a better place.
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